Tag Archives: simple


Hi guys!

Chatting over a coffee with my best friend, Bianca, we realised that we are the only ones who can improve our lifes. “Do more, care less.”- this will be my motto from now on. I need to start saying “It was a good day!” even if the only good thing in that day was a cute cupcake from Jurnal Cafe:


Something “more” in my life will be this blog that will include everythig from adventures and tips to fashion and reviews. Pretty nice, isn’t it? Writing is a way to relax for me and I hope reading it will be a way to relax for you!

At the same time, Friday was an important day for us because we celebrated Julie’s birthday with a girls’ night out in our favourite club, Louis:



It was a really great party and we had an amazing time. Happy birthday again, sweetie!

Stay tuned for the next post: Winterish seaside.



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